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Made in the USA

Made in the USA by Alisa Jordheim

Child sex trafficking is a despicable practice.  Yet, we often don’t realize is that this activity happens right on our doorstep every day, on our streets, and in our local businesses.  Yes, child sex trafficking is rampant in the good ole USA.  Alisa, founder of the Justice Society and advocate for these young children caught in the heinous web of violence and abuse, has written a book that brings understanding and hope to those willing to look into this awful practice.  Her book, Made in the USA chronicles the practice of child sex trafficking, its victims, and the web of deceit that entangles these young ones.

Alisa begins by identifying what the problem of child sex trafficking is, what locations around the world are engaged in the practice, and how this happens right here in America.  Alison writes, “The average age for a girl lured into sex trafficking is twelve to fourteen; for boys and transgender youth it is younger, eleven to thirteen, and some cases involve pre-pubescent children, toddlers, and babies.  The primary way these children are exploited is through street or Internet-based prostitution, strip clubs, erotic entertainment, and pornography.” (15)  Some have blamed our oversexualized culture as the problem for this trafficking, which adds to the problem.  Alison writes, “The United States is the largest producer of pornography in the world. With 55 percent of all child pornography coming from America, it is a $3 billion-plus annual industry. One of every five pornographic images is of a child.” (16)  The country with the largest amount of freedoms is also the country with the largest amount of pornography. 

In chapters 3 and 4, Alisa outlines the way the Loverboy Syndrome and Familial Trafficking occurs.  In the Loverboy syndrome, a pimp or someone in the industry befriends a young child, getting to know them, listening, and bringing them gifts.  Pretty soon, they win their trust and ask this young children to do favors for them, this in turn leads to the path of destruction.  In familial trafficking, often the other family members are engaged in prostitution and drugs, and sell their own children to feed their obsession or to continue living.  Both of these practices destroy the hopes and dreams of these girls and boys.  Not only are they sexually abused and many times violently abused, they don’t have the opportunity to grown as a child in school and in life.

The third part of the book starting in ch. 8 is where Alisa calls people to make a difference for change in the lives of these children.  The beauty of ch.8 is that these are normal people, Girl Scouts to Moms and Pediatricians who desire to raise money, awareness, and support to help stop the child sex trafficking trade.  One lady, noticing that internet companies were selling sexually graphic dolls to fufill those wishing to lure in young children put up notice on Facebook and other avenues of social media.  After calling these companies out, the products were removed from the shelves.  Little by little, people can make a difference.

Alisa does a great job in the further chapters in helping people identify those caught in this sinful activity.  With great research, a heart for these little ones, this book is painful to read but also gives glimmers of hope to those desiring change.

Thanks to Higher Life Publishing and Speak Easy for the copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


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