Margaret Feinberg is a new author to me in the world of Christian writing. I was glad to read this book by someone who had taken a long drink at the well of seeking and knowing God. I think her basic concept early on in the book is well worth repeating: "We're created with the capacity to know what brings God delight and to recognize his involvement in our lives" (24). Knowing God involves hearing his voice in this midst of a fast paced and shifting surrounding. Yet, Feinberg wants her readers to realize that bringing delight is not a magical experience or a over the top feeling, but can found in the everyday worship and rhythm of life. Part of the great journey for the Christian is learning to delight in God in the place in which we find ourselves. Feinberg writes, "When we start recogninzing and feasting on God's words in the everyday, life becomes grander" (30). I would add to this that when we rest in God's presence daily we gradually stop looking fo...