The Jesus Connection by Roy Abraham Varghese Varghese's book is a work of both apologetics and study of the philosophy and thought of other religions. Varghese looks at how the major religions, including Persian and Eastern thought pave the way for the coming of Jesus in their theology, in their basic assumptions about the world, and in their practices. Overall, this is a splendid resource for seeing the different religions providing fertile soil for the coming of the Lord. Yet, it was also a work of immense learning as Varghese takes us through the various lines of thought that are indicative of the ancient religions before Christ. How does he do this? One, Varghese traces the fundamental practices and thought of the ancient religions by focusing on areas such as sacrifice, creation, atonement, and sin. These fundamental beliefs are given various meanings by the different religions but cast in a similar discussion to both the Jewish understanding of these themes and the New...