When you get the opportunity to teach from or about the Scriptures, the situation pushes you to get to know the particular book or passage of the Bible in an even greater way. I am doing a teaching time coming up on the Gospel of Mark and have been utterly amazed at the message and teaching of Jesus throughout the gospel. Generally in NT scholarship, the narrative is divided up between the 1:1-8:26 and 8:27-16:8. The break in these sections is predicated on the idea that up to 8:27 Jesus is seen as a miracle worker, one who has authority over the forces of nature and one who calls his followers into a relationship with him. The themes of both discipleship and authority permeate the Gospel of Mark. Jesus garners authority through his power over the sickesses that ravage humankind (leprosy, paralytic, withered hand) and speaks as one who has authority. The peoples amazement at his teaching as one who has authority is in direct opposition to those scribe...