HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) by Jonathan Allen and Aimee Parnes A crushing defeat at the hands of Senator Barak Obama in the 2008 election could have made Hillary’s political legacy vanish, but this did not take place. Rather, Hillary is galvanizing efforts for re-election in 2016. In this new book, HRC, written by Jonathan Allen and Aimee Parnes, we are taken into the poltical machinations surrounding Hillary’s decisions, what led to her demise in 2008, and how she handles her position now. Filled with stories, gossip, and analysis, this book is biography is sure to irk some and inform others. Allen and Parnes begin the introduction by voicing reason to her failure at the 2008 bid by writing, “The failure of her 2008 presidential campaign could be attributed in part to the way she rewarded longtime allies with jobs that they were ill-equipped to execture,…(5).” Not only this, but many key supporters early on for HRC changed thei...