Invitation to Biblical Interpretation: Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and Theology by Andreas J. Kostenberger and Richard D. Patterson If Andreas Kostenberger writes something, I’m going to read it, his books are just that good. Throw in a seasoned OT Scholar with a spate of published commentaries and you have a great team. The great advantage to this book, as Vanhoozer has noted, is its use of the three-fold paradigm of history, literature, and theology. Divorcing one of these triadic members is part of the struggle in biblical studies, and for Kostenberger and Patterson to use these concepts together is a lofty goal. Yet, you find in this book a real sense of how both history, literature and theology drive each other in the biblical text, and to amplify one is to bring into the discussion the other two. In the Welcome to the Hermeneutical Triad chapter, the authors seek to analyze the flow of biblical inter...