The One O’Clock Miracle by Alison Mitchell and Illustrated by Catalina Echeverri This wonderfully written and illustrated children’s book entitled The One O’Clock Miracle by Alison Mitchell and Catalina Echeverri is a real treat for those interested in a retelling of John 4 and the Royal Official’s son and his healing. With illustrations reminiscent of the pictures in The Jesus Storybook Bible, illustrator Catalina Echeverri, the story of the Royal’s son comes to life. The writing and illustrations in The One O’Clock miracle all hinge upon Jesus, not only that he healed the Royal’s son but that he was God’s rescue King, the Son of God. How do the author and illustrator point to Jesus in the story? For one, at many points in the story the royal official was out of breath, but he kept continuing on his path because he NEEDED to see Jesus and he MUST see Jesus. The highlighted words bring out the necessity of the Royal official’s plight ...