Hymns of the Heart: Discovering God in the Psalms by Adam Faughn Have you ever needed a guide to reading the book of Psalms in the Old Testament? Has it ever occurred to you that focusing on certain psalms will help you in your study of the Bible? Adam Faughn helps his readers get in the heart of the psalms as he looks at 35 of them in his new book, Hymns of the Heart: Discovering God in the Psalms. The book is designed to open up the prayer and worship book of the OT and help us discern the meaning for today. Adam gets into each psalm by looking at the structure, theology, and message of each psalm for today. With an appreciation for the historical context of each psalm, Adam weaves together scholarship, story and application that helps the reader understand each psalm in its context. With most chapters being around 10 pages, you can easily pick up the book and learn more about each of the 35 included psalms. One thing I really t...