In Max Lucado's recent book, Out Live Your Life, he uses the template of the the book of Acts to open up the idea that your life should have meaning beyond the grave. He starts off on the first few pages giving us a snapshot of the kind of people that were called to be disciples in the book of Acts: fisherman, streetwalkers, no friends of Caesar (4), or no friends of the Temple leaders. They were for all apparent reasons, nobodies. And yet, God used them mightily to change the world. Max asks the same question of us, namely, God is still using men and women to change the world one voice at a time. There are great atrocities (sex trade, hungry children, slavery, illnesses) and yet we can make a difference. Max has a unique way of combining self-help ideas with a connection to the Bible and theology that makes sense of the whole of Scripture. He says later in the book regarding hypocrisy, "Expect no credit for good deeds, give financial gifts in secret, don't fake spirituality" (93). These principles are not only difficult but when done with a heart to serve God they are completely rewarding. The great thing about this book is that it holds out Jesus as the one to follow, the one who gave up his life for his people, the example of love and compassion that we are to live like. His life outlasted his death, his legacy outweighed his short life on Earth.
Journible The 17:18 Series: Acts The 17:18 Series: The Book of Acts by Joel R. Beeke and Rob Wynalda In Deuteronomy 17:18 Moses foretells of a future king coming to reign over Israel and copying the law himself rather than just acquiring a copy of the law. The role of writing down or scripting the Word of God is of paramount importance for the growth of the believer. With this truth in mind, Joel Beeke and Rob Wynalda have created Journibles. This Journible on the Book of Acts is both a resource to copy the Scriptures yourself and engage in some questions about the text. On the right hand side of the Journible is blank lines with verse indicators for you to copy down the whole Book of Acts. On the left side of the Journible are questions regarding context, theology, and details of the text for you to answer. In other words, this Journible on Acts incorporates a place for you to write your own copy of Acts while engaging with the details of the te...
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