Dan Allender in his recent book entitled Sabbath has written a thought provoking and unique book on the day of rest we commonly call Sabbath. In the opening chapter, Allender notes the obstacles to enjoying the Sabbath as being primarily pride and fear. "We are driven because our work brings us power and pride that dulls our deeper desire for delight" (26). Part of his point is that our lives are in such an orderly motion that we that we don't know what to do with delight and joy when it slaps us in the face. Allender nexts goes on to explain that God rested on the seventh day from his creation work, not because of some weariness but to delight in his work (28-29). Just as an artist steps back to see the beauty of his art, so God looked upon his creation with delight. Allender wants his readers to learn how to delight in the Sabbath, to delight in God, and in his creation. In doing this, he proposes four areas that are beneficial to understanding the Sabbath: sensual...