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Essential Christian Doctrine


Essential Christian Doctrine, General Editor John MacArthur

Pastor John MacArthur has for years been teaching the Word of God in both pulpit ministry, books, and conferences with an aim to displaying God’s revelation to his listeners in a winsome and foundational manner.  This new book, Essential Christian Doctrine takes an entire life of teaching and preaching and encapsulates the main contours of the Christian faith for its readers.  John in a systematic way highlights the most necessary teachings from Scripture including God’s Word, the Trinity, while also including sections on Man and the Future.

One of the most helpful ways the authors bring to light biblical truth and theology is the way in which they group together particular themes.  In the section on the Holy Spirit, instead of a complex discussion of personhood, word pictures of the Holy Spirit are introduced in a discernible and profitable manner.  The metaphors for the Holy Spirit include fire, clothing, wind, pledge, water, and oil (pp. 187-188).  Further, any engagement with the Holy Spirit needs to engage with sanctification and the authors do a fine job at looking at the timing of sanctification in its progressive and perfective stages with Scriptures to bear these truths out. 

The other area of fruitfulness that comes out of this book is the way in which the authors link specific doctrines to other related doctrinal foundations.  Delineating the doctrine of sin, they write, 

The doctrine of sin is inseparable from all other biblical doctrines. The doctrine of sin is linked to the doctrine of God, since sin is primarily against God (Ps. 51:4). The doctrine of sin directly defines mankind as fallen and affects everyone, since sin defines every life at birth; corrupts everyone’s relationship with God, with other persons, and with creation; and brings all to death. The doctrine of sin obviously affects the doctrine of salvation, since sinners need to be rescued but are unable to save themselves. Because they are profoundly and pervasively sinful, sinners are in need of salvation by grace.” (247). 

Connecting the doctrine of sin to other core doctrines such as the doctrine of God helps readers see how one crucial teaching is relationally hinged upon another teaching.  In this case, the doctrine of sin is an affront to God (doctrine of God), mankind (anthropology), and salvation (soteriology), bringing the Calvinistic concept to bear that sin has a totalizing effect on every part of man and every relationship he is connected to. 

Little engagement with secondary sources and confessional documents is one drawback in the book.  Further, the lack of a consistent understanding of the nature of the covenant and covenant theology in the bible was lacking in the pages of the book.  Yet, I believe that the essential truths of the Christian faith are outlined here and many will profit mightily by reading this book.

Thanks to Crossway for providing a copy of this book for review


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