Bold as Love: What can
happen when we see people the God does by Bob Roberts, Jr.
Conversion and Christianity have for years between synonyms
for a world religion that has at its heart the desire for all people to follow
Christ. Yet, in our desire in evangelism
we have lost sight of loving our neighbors, treating them more like boxes on an
assembly line waiting to be shipped out of the warehouse. Pastor Bob Roberts Jr, no less a Southern
Baptist, challenges readers in his new book entitled Bold as Love to meet Jesus’
challenge to love our neighbors head on.
Rather than operating with a conversion mentality, Pastor Roberts says
that the Roman Road of salvation method will not do in our global culture, but
a posture of listening, engaging and building relationships is the way through
(13-14). The challenge is all the more
worthwhile when the founder of Saudi Arabia’s modern intelligence service,
Prince Turki Al-Faisal pushes y
ou to build relationships with Muslims in the
Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Part of the reason I enjoyed this book so much is that it
dealt head on with the fears people, including I think of we ponder multi-faith
conversations and events. Roberts goes
on to explore how fear plays out its hand through our preoccupation surrounding
physical harm, hostility from enemies, losing one’s faith, hostility from
friends, and fear itself (32-43). It is
only in the invitation by Christians to join with Muslims did the parishioners
at Bob’s church begin to boldly love those of different faiths. We often want to be painted in the best light
by our friends, and hanging around Muslims and Jews scares the heck out of many
people. Yet, only in relationship can we
begin to love our neighbors, for it is impossible to love someone without
knowing who they are. One interesting
part in this section was Bob’s mention that his faith was strengthened on account
of his relationship with Muslims.
Why? Because, as her grew in
closeness with others, the fundamental differences came out between the two
faiths and there was room to let opposing views be heard, without vitriol,
anger or violence.
In the section on Serving with All My Might, Pastor Roberts
begins to question how best to minister to the Pashtuns of Afghanistan. After mulling it around a bit, he decided
that through the building of schools and the mutual reading of the Bible and
the Quran, he would develop more constant relationships. Roberts points out that we have got it wrong
if we start to minister to others through our lips rather than by the sweat of
our brow. Mutually coming alongside
somebody in their work breaks down the barriers and allows us to love our
neighbors in more meaningful ways.
Conversations are more fluid when we are able to pick up a shovel and
work with those whom we live around.
Roberts also gives some advice to churches wanting to reach out by
specifically indicating the types of needs that cities and countries need;
namely, the different domains of a culture including education, agriculture,
medicine, and trades (89). This type of
global thinking ultimately leads to long term change, not the type of change
you would have in a five day mission trip.
This book was an amazing look into the right way to love our
neighbors, allay our fears, and begin to share the love of Christ to those we
might. I was challenged in some very
real ways by reading this book. This
book deserves to be read by anyone wanting to take serious the call to love our
Thanks to Thomas Nelson for the review copy of this book in
exchange for review.
This sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for your thoughts and the review. :O)