Unstoppable by Nick Vujicic
Many already know the story of Nick Vujicic, being born with no arms or legs. Rather than focus on his past, this book Unstoppable focuses on how faith increases our motivation for action in the world without regard for what the world thinks of us. What I really enjoyed about his book is the way Nick took the experiences of defeat, difficulty and failure and turned them around to serve people and God.
Early on in the Matters of the Heart chapter, Nick tells the story of him falling in love with Danae, now his wife. He writes, "The powerful yearning of the heart is one of the most essential human needs. Yet when we look for love, we open ourselves not only to being loved, but also, unfortunately, to being hurt" (50). Nick took the risk and was hurt at times after seeing Danae for the first time, wanting to find our more about her, and then being stymied on the second connection as she had a boyfriend. As the conversation went on, Nick found out that she was in a troubled relationship and felt something very special for Nick, something that she couldn't fully explain. One of the truths that came out of this relationship and their marriage for Nick was that being in a loving relationship is being willing to put that loved one ahead of yourself (74).
Nick is wise also to point out that God may or may not heal a person, but he is the business of being present with us, guiding us through transformation. Nick writes, "I have not received the miracle of arms and legs that I've sought, but I've experienced the miraculous joy and peace of trust of faith" (113). Nick goes on to point out that the true transformation is that which happens from the inside out. What is powerful about Nick's thoughts are that they bring life into other people's framework for thinking, they do not dwell on what people don't have, but what they already have been blessed with. The power here is to see God at work even in the direst of circumstances.
My only criticism of the book is that after so many examples of people with faith and overcoming obstacles, I got a little bit tired of the same message. Part of the goal I believe was to see that transformation is possible no matter what. The experiences were certainly positive and gave the impression of faith that is not tied to past failtures.
Thanks to Waterbrook/Multnomah Press for the review copy in exchange for an honest review.
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