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ReCreatable: How God Heals the Brokenness of Life by Kevin Scott

Do you ever find yourself verbally commenting on a book out loud as you read?  I don’t know about you, but as I read through ReCreatable, I was constantly saying, “Yes, that’s it, that’s good news that I need to hear, keep it coming!”  This new book by Kevin Scott is a remarkable journey through the heart of the Christian faith in three parts, each section relating the biblical story, its message of hope, and the way that a life devoted to Christ should engage the church and world.  The notebook form was also helpful to make notes in the margins, coming back to key points that Kevin makes throughout each chapter. 

There is so much good stuff here but I wanted to comment on a few highlights that were very important. In the chapter on worship, Kevin focuses in on an aspect of worship that is often undervalued.  He writes, “God also uses worship to make us more fully human.  Since we were created in his image and for the purpose of reflecting his glory, becoming more like God means at the same time becoming more genuinely human….Genuine worship is one of the means by which God, in some mysterious way beyond our understanding, accomplishes his work of restoration.” (172-173) We reflect God’s glory as we sing, praise, hear his Word, and unite with other believers from all over the world.  What it means to be human is encapsulated in the word ‘worship.’  We are worshipping beings, and its better to reflect rightly our Maker in worship than to distort our image bearing by falling in love with things that dishonor God.  I would also add that in worship we gather with other believers as a way of becoming more human in nourishing our relationships.  Adam and Eve were fundamentally created to be in harmonious relationship with God and each other, and as such, we are created with the same intention.

Kevin’s redemptive historical approach is fundamental to a solid reading of Scripture.  Even of non-narrative texts, Kevin writes, “Even the parts that are not pure story, such as the psalms, take place within the context of a story and are best understood when we keep that in mind.” (157)  Kevin rightly states that our place in the story is integral to the redemption narrative.  I would add that even concepts such as creation, covenant, temple, and Exodus are insufficiently understood with mere reference to specific texts but are rather informed by the story of Israel and what God is doing in the midst of his world.  Kevin’s words about Scripture being a story and not a book of doctrine are unhelpful though.  We cannot divorce doctrine from Scripture because in the narrative itself of God’s redemptive movements, there is constantly a recital of what we are to believe concerning God, his world, his Son, and the future.  There needs to be a more nuanced approach here to how the story of the Bible influences doctrine and how doctrine reiterates the primacy of the narrative.

I really think this book would be best read as a small group study, weaving one’s way slowly through the chapters.  I recommend this book to anyone who wants to see God’s redeeming grace throughout its pages. 

Thanks to Kregel Publications for the review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


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